As spring weather begins to take over residential homes in Plainfield, IN, you may be thinking ahead to summer and the prospects of buying a new AC unit. Several air conditioning units on the market cater to families with different needs. What type you will need depends on the size of your home, how your home is laid out, and any personal preferences you may have for the cooling amenities for your system. Our team at Bassett Services has included several air conditioning systems below to choose from depending on the size of your home.
Central Air Conditioning System
A central air conditioning system is usually located on the outside property of your residence. This system transports air indoors through your ductwork system to keep every room in your home equally cool and void of humidity. If you are looking for a standard-sized air conditioning unit for a medium one or two-story home, our central air conditioning system at Bassett Services is the most efficient option for keeping your property cool in the summer. To determine which specific size will work best with your home and duct system, contact our specialists today.
Wall Convector Unit
Wall convector units are typically used in settings such as high-rise apartments or hotels, particularly popular among older apartment complexes. A wall unit can often be used for both heating and cooling, and they work best for smaller homes and open floor plans. If you do not have the outdoor space to install a central air conditioning system or are looking to add HVAC amenities to your apartment unit or condo, a wall convector unit is a great option for property owners and tenants.

Window-Mounted A/C Unit
A window-mounted air conditioning unit is a portable and inexpensive option for both home and apartment owners. These AC systems fit in most standard-sized windows and are adaptable enough to be used for a variety of purposes. For smaller rooms, you can purchase units that operate at 7,000-8,000 BTUs, or if you’re wanting to accommodate larger living spaces, some units can go up to 14,000 BTUs. Depending on the exact size of your space, our team at Bassett Services can help you find the perfect window-mounted AC that fits within your needs and budget.
Considering Personal Needs
Choosing which style of AC unit to purchase for your home can be challenging, particularly when you consider unpredictable weather patterns in Plainfield, IN. Summers are usually hot and humid, so you’ll want to make sure you have the right-sized cooling system to keep you and your family comfortable. Whether you’re looking for a central air conditioning system or a more affordable window-mounted AC unit, our Bassett Services team is here to help you every step of the way. Give us a call today at (317) 360-0054 to schedule an inspection and consultation service to purchase the best air conditioning option for you.