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HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing Services in Granville, OH

Accessible, Dependable, and Professional Service

over 2,200 reviews

Bassett Services steps in as the trusted ally for home maintenance needs, offering a blend of quality and reliability. Our team of skilled professionals is adept at heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical services, ensuring each Granville home is a haven of comfort.

With a legacy spanning over 40 years, Bassett Services is synonymous with excellence and precision. We are dedicated to enhancing the living experience of Granville’s residents, ensuring their homes are not just structures but sanctuaries of comfort.

For a partner in home maintenance that prioritizes your comfort and safety, reach out to Bassett Services at (317) 360-0054.

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    Cooling Services in Granville, OH

    Granville’s summers, characterized by warm temperatures and sunny days, call for efficient cooling systems to ensure a comfortable living environment. Bassett Services is your trusted partner for all cooling needs, offering a suite of services including AC repairs, maintenance, and installations. We focus on delivering solutions that are not just effective but also energy-efficient, ensuring that your home remains cool without escalating your energy bills. Our expert technicians are trained to handle a variety of cooling systems, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

    Why Choose Bassett for Cooling Services in Granville?

    Choosing Bassett means opting for excellence, reliability, and personalized care. Our cooling services are designed with the Granville resident in mind, addressing the specific challenges posed by the local climate. We prioritize swift response times, ensuring that your cooling issues are resolved before they escalate. Our technicians are not just skilled but also courteous, offering professional services with a personal touch. Transparency in pricing and a commitment to quality make Bassett the preferred choice for cooling services. In Granville, your comfort is our mission, and with Bassett, every summer day is a comfortable, enjoyable experience.

    Air Conditioning Installation in Granville, OH

    Bassett Services is Granville’s go-to for efficient air conditioning installation. We evaluate your home’s specific needs, offering customized solutions for optimal cooling. Our expert technicians ensure a seamless installation, integrating cutting-edge AC units that deliver superior comfort and energy efficiency. With Bassett, residents of Granville enjoy a cool, refreshing indoor environment, even during the hottest days of summer.

    Air Conditioning Repair in Granville, OH

    When your AC unit falters, Bassett Services in Granville provides prompt, effective repairs. Our skilled team quickly diagnoses issues, offering solutions that restore your cooling system’s efficiency and reliability. We use quality parts and precision techniques to ensure every repair is durable. With Bassett, you’re assured of a rapid return to comfort, with an AC system primed to beat the Granville heat.

    Air Conditioning Maintenance in Granville, OH

    Regular maintenance is key to an efficient, long-lasting AC system. Bassett Services offers Granville residents comprehensive air conditioning maintenance, enhancing performance and reliability. Our technicians conduct thorough inspections, cleanings, and tune-ups, ensuring your AC operates at peak efficiency. With Bassett, you avoid unexpected breakdowns and enjoy consistent, cool comfort in your Granville home, all summer long.

    Ductless Mini-Split Installation in Granville, OH

    Bassett Services delivers top-tier ductless mini-split installation in Granville. We customize solutions, ensuring efficient, targeted cooling and heating. Our experts install compact, quiet units that offer zone-specific climate control, enhancing comfort without the extensive ductwork. With Bassett, enjoy a streamlined, energy-efficient approach to indoor comfort in your Granville home.

    Ductless Mini-Split Repair in Granville, OH

    Facing issues with your ductless mini-split? Bassett Services in Granville is ready to assist. Our technicians swiftly identify and fix problems, restoring optimal performance. We ensure your system delivers consistent, efficient heating and cooling. Trust Bassett for reliable repairs that keep your Granville home comfortable year-round.

    Ductless Mini-Split Maintenance in Granville, OH

    Keep your ductless mini-split operating smoothly with Bassett’s maintenance services in Granville. We offer thorough inspections, cleaning, and tune-ups, ensuring efficient performance and extended lifespan. Our proactive approach prevents unexpected issues, offering Granville residents reliable, consistent comfort from their ductless systems, season after season.

    Air Duct Installation in Granville, OH

    Bassett Services is Granville’s go-to for quality air duct installation. We design and install efficient ductwork tailored to your home’s layout, ensuring optimal airflow and climate control. Our expert team ensures seamless integration, enhancing your HVAC system’s performance and your indoor air quality. Choose Bassett for precision and expertise in air duct installation.

    Air Duct Repair in Granville, OH

    Experience issues with your air ducts? Turn to Bassett Services in Granville. We quickly diagnose and address leaks, blockages, or damage, restoring your system’s efficiency. Our repairs ensure consistent temperature, improved air quality, and energy savings. Trust Bassett for prompt, effective air duct repairs that elevate your home comfort.

    Air Duct Maintenance in Granville, OH

    Maintain optimal air flow and quality with Bassett’s air duct maintenance in Granville. We provide comprehensive inspections, cleaning, and adjustments to ensure your ductwork is in prime condition. Our services reduce allergens, enhance HVAC efficiency, and ensure a comfortable, healthy indoor environment. Rely on Bassett for meticulous air duct maintenance that delivers peace of mind.

    Air Scrubber Installation in Granville, OH

    Breathe easier with Bassett Services’ air scrubber installation in Granville. We install advanced air scrubbers that eliminate airborne pollutants, ensuring cleaner, fresher air in your home. Our expert technicians ensure a seamless setup, integrating the system efficiently with your existing HVAC. Choose Bassett for enhanced air quality and a healthier living environment.

    Dehumidifier Installation in Granville, OH

    Combat excess moisture with our dehumidifier installation services in Granville. Bassett Services helps you maintain the perfect indoor humidity level, preventing mold growth and ensuring comfort. Our team installs top-quality dehumidifiers, enhancing air quality and the longevity of your home structures. Trust Bassett for a drier, more comfortable indoor atmosphere.

    Humidifier Installation in Granville, OH

    Ensure optimal comfort with Bassett Services’ humidifier installation in Granville. We help balance indoor humidity, preventing dry air issues like irritated skin and respiratory problems. Our skilled technicians ensure a perfect setup for efficient moisture control. Choose Bassett for a comfortable, well-humidified living space during those dry months.

    Want to save money and prevent future problems?

    Bassett Watchdog Home Coverage Club

    $18 Per Month Will Get You:

    • 20% Savings On HVAC Service
    • 10% Savings on Plumbing Service
    • 10% Savings on Electrical Service
    • 2 Annual HVAC Maintenance Services
    • 1 Annual Plumbing Maintenance Service
    • 1 Annual Electrical Maintenance Service
    • No Overtime Charges
    • Summer/Winter No-Breakdown Guarantee
    • And MUCH More!!!
    Learn More

    Call Bassett Services Today for HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical Services in Granville, OH

    In the heart of Granville, where the changing seasons bring diverse climate challenges, the need for reliable HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems is paramount. Bassett Services is your go-to partner, ensuring your home remains a sanctuary of comfort, safety, and efficiency all year round. Our team of certified professionals is adept at handling a spectrum of services, delivering tailored solutions with precision and speed.

    Whether you’re battling the summer heat, the winter chill, or need urgent plumbing and electrical repairs, Bassett Services is just a call away. We are committed to excellence, offering swift, reliable, and quality services that restore your peace of mind and enhance your living experience in Granville.

    Don’t let unexpected issues disrupt your comfort. Reach out to Bassett Services at (317) 360-0054. We are ready to step in, diagnose, and resolve your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical issues with professionalism and care. Your optimal living experience in Granville is our priority, and we’re dedicated to ensuring nothing stands in the way of that. Make the call, and let Bassett Services be your trusted partner in home comfort and safety.

    Contact Us

    Bassett Services: Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, & Electrical
    114 N Galway Dr, Granville, OH 43023
    (614) 568-6044

    Why Choose
    Bassett Service

    Today’s heating/cooling systems are more efficient and use more sophisticated digital controllers for their operations. Proper installation and maintenance is important and having the right technicians and service people to ensure proper operations is critical. Bassett Services has a special process for selecting individuals who can perform the technical functions that are required to service the equipment we sell and, most importantly, interface with our customers on a very professional level!

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    Our Most Recent Reviews

    Warren was a joy to have in our home, he helped our elderly dog in and out of the house in addition to his job duties. Please thank Warren for us and we would like to thank you for having such pleasant, courteous and professional technicians.

    – Scott Conatser

    CJ is a great asset to the Bassett team. His professionalism and skills are first rate.

    – Michael Callahan

    Warren did a great job. He reeled the hose back in and left things very neat. He even pulled my empty trash can back to the garage.

    – Lisa Ward

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